Rev. Dominique A. Robinson, DMin, is the John E. Hines Assistant Professor of Preaching at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas; this is a historical assignment as she is the first African American full-time faculty member of the institution. Dr. Robinson is an ordained itinerant Elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Her areas of study include womanist biblical hermeneutics, millennial womanist homiletics, and disability theology and ethics focusing on mental health (depression within the African American community). For her dissertation, Dominique’s research will focus on how depression and anxiety impact African American biblical interpretation rooted in millennial womanist discourse.
While she did choose the Ph.D. Program in African American Preaching and Sacred Rhetoric, she contends that it chose her. She believes that nowhere else could she unashamedly and enthusiastically study culture and traditions with Black colleagues and professors. Within the program’s infrastructure is the de-centering of webs of oppression that would otherwise be stumbling blocks for her had she attended another school.
Recent accomplishments include:
- Presenting “iHomiletic: Preaching that Clicks” at the Academy of Homiletics (Dec. 2019)
- Presenting for the Academy of Homiletics Summer Conversation series “Finding Our Footing: The Role of Preaching in the Post Covid-19 Church” Session 4 “Engaging in Creative Streams for Preaching in a Post-Pandemic World” (July 2021)