Christian Theological Seminary – Two Schools One Mission
CTS is an academic learning community with graduate programs through its School of Theology and School of Counseling, accessible mental health services through the Counseling Center, and collaboration to mitigate poverty through the Faith & Action Project. While we are related to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we are open to people of all denominations, faith expressions, and spiritualities. Our community diversity helps us create an intellectually rigorous, spiritually formative, and emotionally supportive education that equips our students to go into the world and serve—whether that’s in the church or the broader community.
To form disciples of Jesus Christ for church and community leadership to serve God’s transforming of the world
To be an academic learning community that gives witness to God’s liberative, restorative, and life-affirming message
Core Values
Advancing scholarship and formation
Preparation for ministry should be intellectually rigorous, spiritually formative, and emotionally supportive
Embracing diversity
The diversity of the human community is a gift from God and an indispensable resource in preparation for responsible ministry
Working toward justice for all
Working toward justice for all is an imperative of Christian faith and life
Affirming God-given human dignity
All people are created in the image of God and therefore have inherent worth and dignity
Promoting healing and wholeness throughout creation
Promoting healing and wholeness throughout creation is one way we participate in God's work
Open & Affirming
Christian Theological Seminary is an open and affirming ministry as designated by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Open & Affirming Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) have committed to openly welcoming and affirming persons of all gender expressions and sexual orientations. The Mission of the Open & Affirming Ministry Program is to build a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that welcomes persons of all gender expressions and sexual orientations to the table of Christ’s communion and to the full life and leadership of the Christian Church.
Office of the President
Greeting from President David Mellott, PhD

Greetings to you on behalf of the Christian Theological Seminary community!
CTS is an amazing community of learners, teachers, activists, counselors and leaders. I knew that when I applied to be the 7th president. The community is marked by deep generosity, respect for academic work, a passion for justice, and a spirit of gratitude.
In April 2021, the Board of Trustees of CTS approved CTS 2030: Project Transformation, a comprehensive strategic plan with a focus on addressing the question “What is God inviting us to consider?” Building on the strong foundation of the Mission and Core Values of CTS, a new core strategy emerged: CTS will serve the public through serving the church.
We need students, institutional partners and benefactors to join us in reimagining theological education so that graduates, churches and community leaders can become catalysts for bringing God’s love, justice and liberation to the world. We hope that you will join us in responding to God’s invitation.
Whatever your role, whatever your story, may you find at CTS an embodiment of God’s welcome, hospitality and graciousness.
In the Spirit,
President David M. Mellott, PhD
At a Glance
David M. Mellott, PhD
- 7th president of Christian Theological Seminary
- Tenure began on July 1, 2019
- Installation: September 19, 2021
- Ordained minister with the United Church of Christ
- Previously served as Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean, and Professor of Theological Formation at Lancaster Theological Seminary in Lancaster PA
- Doctor of Philosophy, Theological Studies, Emory University | Atlanta GA
- MA in Religious Studies and a Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
- BA in English Literature and Latin American Studies from the Pontifical College Josephinum
- Authored I Was And I Am Dust (2009) and Finding Your Way in Seminary: What to Expect, How to Thrive (2016)
- Dr. Mellott and his husband, Reverend Lance F. Mullins, reside in Indianapolis
Governance and Leadership

Green Seminary
Christian Theological Seminary is certified as a Green Seminary by The Green Seminary Initiative and GreenFaith. CTS received this certification in recognition of the hard work it has undertaken in recent years “to put forward ecological priorities” in its curriculum and day-to-day operations. With this certification, CTS is part of a small group of seminaries leading the way in eco-justice and care for the environment.
Strategic Plan
CTS 2030: Project Transformation
CTS 2030 is our vision for where we want to be in less than a decade. The plan, which sets out our path toward that destination, was developed with input from hundreds of stakeholders—thought leaders in theological education, alumni, church, and community leaders in Indianapolis.
The Legacy of CTS
CTS has a rich history, filled with leaders who pioneered change and social justice. Since 1855, there have been many ordinary moments and key milestones that have marked our growth.