Carol F. Johnston
Associate Professor Emerita of Theology and Culture

Carol Frances Johnston is the Associate Professor of Theology and Culture Emerita at Christian Theological Seminary. She is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Johnston received her Ph.D. degree from Claremont Graduate School in California (1994); M.Div. from Union Theological Seminary in New York City (1978); and her A.B. from Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Mich. (1973).

Johnston has worked on environmental issues for both the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Episcopal Church, and has been an adjunct professor at San Francisco Seminary and a teaching assistant at Claremont School of Theology. Johnston has taught adult-education courses in churches and lectured as far afield as Singapore on issues of economics and environment, justice, Bible and nature, and the public roles of churches.

Johnston is the author of The Wealth or Health of Nations: Transforming Capitalism From Within and a booklet on the Bible and ecology called “And the Leaves of the Tree Are For the Healing of the Nations: Biblical and Theological Foundations for Ecojustice.”

Curriculum Vitae


  • Thinking Theologically About Wealth, Including Money Lilly Endowment project (added 10/12/2000)
  • “Study Guide: Thinking Theologically About Faith and Wealth” Lilly Endowment project (added 6/11/2000)
  • “Thinking Theologically About the Election: A Proposal” Encounter 54:1 (Winter 1993): 17-24.
  • “Justice and Injustice: Un/damning the Waters of Life”  Encounter 53:4 (Autumn 1992):339-352
