When the Well is Dry: Ministerial Leadership Burnout
Ministry leadership is one of the most fulfilling roles many CTS alumni seek when answering God’s call to ministry. While fulfilling, the ongoing commitment to meeting the diverse needs of congregations and families can take its toll. Join us as we engage with CTS alumni, students, and faculty to explore what to do “when the well is dry.”
Moderator: April Ervin, Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving, CTS
Dr. Robert Saler, Associate Dean, Research Professor of Religion and Culture/Executive Director of the Center for Pastoral Excellence and the Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Program, CTS
Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley, Senior Pastor, Alfred Street Baptist Church (PhD Student, Inaugural Cohort)
Rev. Rebecca Burrow, Founder & CEO, Building Reconciliation Inclusion Diversity and Gender Equity, LLC (MDiv ’08)
Rev. Nicholas T. Orange, Owner, Family and Community Partners, LLC (MDiv/MAPF ‘10)
Rev. Miki Mathioudakis, Chaplain, St. Vincent Hospital (MDiv ’00)