2023 ISPT Master Clinician Workshop
Personality Styles in Psychotherapy: A Roadmap for Deep and Lasting Change
In-Person and Online
In a time when symptoms are used to label, pathologize, and disempower people seeking mental health care, master clinicians know that meaningful, empowering, and lasting psychological change does not come from focusing on symptoms, but on the personality dynamics underlying them. In the morning lecture, “Personality Styles, Depression, and Therapeutic Change,” Dr. Shedler will discuss the personality styles most often seen in clinical practice (e.g., narcissistic, depressive, obsessive-compulsive), integrating long-standing clinical wisdom with contemporary empirical findings. He will discuss how each personality style represents a unique psychological pathway to clinical depression that requires a distinct treatment focus, and he will offer clinical strategies for deepening treatment.
Building on concepts from the morning, the afternoon workshop will have a hands-on clinical focus. Participants will develop a deeper appreciation of the role of personality dynamics in psychotherapy through clinical case presentations by workshop participants, with case discussion, live supervision, and role playing to demonstrate effective intervention. Dr. Shedler will emphasize how personality dynamics and relational patterns unavoidably play out in the therapy relationship, and how to use the therapy relationship constructively in the service of deep and lasting change.
Dr. Jonathan Shedler
Dr. Jonathan Shedler is the author of what may be the most widely read psychoanalytic paper of our time, The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Hailed as a contemporary classic, it firmly established psychodynamic therapy as an evidence-based treatment. A leading expert on personality styles and disorders and their treatment, Dr. Shedler is also author of the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure (SWAP-200) for personality diagnosis and clinical case formulation, and coauthor with Nancy McWilliams of the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM-2). He has authored over 100 scholarly articles, and his blogs reach audiences in the hundreds of thousands. Dr. Shedler teaches and lectures internationally and provides clinical consultation and supervision to clinicians around the world. He is a faculty member at the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis and Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).
Schedule & Registration
Additional information, the event schedule, and registration can all be found by following the registration link in the sidebar, or by clicking here.