INSpirit Fall Conference
The INSpirit Fall Conference Day brings leaders from across Indiana together to invigorate and re-invigorate Indiana congregations.
About this Event
The Supervised Ministry Department of Christian Theological Seminary invites area ministers and church leaders to INSpirit Fall Conference Day at CTS, which will bring congregational leaders from across Indiana together to consider and discuss strategies for invigorating and re-invigorating congregations. Two well-known and respected church strategists and researchers who have worked with hundreds of congregations to navigate change and facilitate health in congregations, Dr. Dick Hamm and Dr. Rick Morse, will lead the conference.
Dr. Dick Hamm has served congregations in rural, exurban, urban, and suburban settings and has firsthand knowledge of the opportunities and challenges ministers and congregations face. He has written three books and has played a part in the revitalization and establishment of hundreds of congregations.
Dr. Rick Morse has had a ministry of innovation. After 25 years of parish ministry, he worked at the Disciples Church Extension Fund for 18 years, creating processes that have been used to help transform more than 1,300 congregations across seven denominations in the U.S. and Canada. He is the founder of 14 nonprofits and author of From Our Doorsteps: Developing a Ministry Plan That Makes Sense (Chalice, 2010), and he now works as a contractor for Hope Services.
The event will be held at CTS on Tuesday, October 22, from 10am to 1pm, with a catered meal from 11:15am to noon. Cost is $20.00 per person ($8.00 for current CTS students).
For additional details, please contact Karen Kelm by phone at 317-931-2330 or by email at kkelm@cts.edu.