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Home Events Community Conversations: Mental Health in a Time of Pandemic

Community Conversations: Mental Health in a Time of Pandemic

Thursday, May 21, 2020, at 12 PM, live on Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter.

The disruptions and uncertainties of the pandemic challenge our mental health causing many to feel anxiety, despair, helplessness, and loss of hope. How will faith communities care for the mental wellbeing of their congregations during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Join us for a live discussion with professors, practitioners, and religious leaders grappling with the many considerations to effectively and faithfully respond.



Christina Jones Davis
Clinical Professor of Pastoral Theology and Marriage and Family Therapy
Christian Theological Seminary
Suzanne Coyle
Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Marriage and Family Therapy | Director of Marriage and Family Therapy Program
Christian Theological Seminary
Dr. David Chaddock
Director of CenterPoint Counseling
Second Presbyterian Church Indianapolis
Nicole Z. Robertson
Assistant Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Christian Theological Seminary
Muhammad Saahir, Ed.S., LMHC
Therapist at Indiana University Health Center
Counseling and Psychological Services
Rabbi Dennis Sasso
Senior Rabbi of Congregation Beth-El Zedeck
Affiliate Professor of Jewish Studies
Christian Theological Seminary



May 21, 2020


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