Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Programs


Discover a wealth of resources to support your journey with the Clergy Renewal Program. Whether you’re interested in learning more about the program, seeking a renewal grant, or a current grant recipient looking for CRP forms and documents, this page offers valuable insights and tools to guide you.

Already excited about the prospect of a renewal grant? Click the button below to navigate directly to the application section.

Grant Seeker Resources

Why Clergy Renewal Program?

Make Your Heart Sing – The CRP Experience from a Grant Recipient’s Perspective

Application Tips and FAQs

Requests for Proposals (RFP) Program Details, Proposal Instructions, and Forms

The 2024 Requests for Proposals (RFPs) linked below serve as sample materials that provide a full description of the program including eligibility requirements, program parameters, selection criteria, and the proposal writing and submission process. Please review the appropriate RFP thoroughly. Each one includes important instructions, required forms, and the proposal questions. Be sure to select the appropriate links below.


What makes a high-quality proposal?

Grace Notes: Wisdom & advice from past grant recipients

Insights from Past Grant Recipients

Clergy renewal programs may take many forms. No specific model is prescribed since renewal will look different depending on the unique circumstances of each congregation and pastor. However, congregations that have implemented their own clergy renewal programs may offer helpful insights into the process of planning renewal.

Determining the right time for a renewal program requires discernment. Some past participants in the Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Programs’ grants have shared their reflections on how they thought about the timing of their renewal programs:

Repairing vs. Renewing

Lay Leadership & the Right Time

Timing & Groundwork

Planning, communicating, managing expectations, and many other preparations may happen in the time leading up to the renewal leave, itself. Some past grant participants have discussed with us what their preparations and groundwork consisted in, how well those preparations did (or didn’t) work, and what advice they have for congregations that are preparing for their own renewal programs:

Preparing Congregations

Laying Groundwork

Getting Ready

Possible renewal programs may include an uninterrupted period for reading and writing, directed research at a theological school, a study trip to religious sites or travel for other purposes in the United States or elsewhere in the world, quiet time for rest and prayer, and special visits with family and friends. They may also include time to “lean in” to an issue in ministry about which the pastor and the congregation are passionate. The possibilities are many. Some past grant participants have shared with us what pastor and congregation did with their renewal time, why they structured their renewal in the way they did, and what advice they have for others who are planning renewal times:

Pastoral Experience

Congregational Renewal

What Renewal Leave Looks Like

Structuring Renewal Leave Time

Strengthening relationships, renewing a sense of call, meeting and serving the neighbor in a new way, finding joy and purpose in a simplified life, traveling to new lands and unfamiliar territories, creating opportunities where members of the congregation can exercise their gifts for ministry— life-giving experiences like these are common aspects of renewal times. Profound discoveries that pastors and their congregations describe as
“life-changing events” occur as they participate in this program. Past grant participants have spoken with us about how they returned from the renewal experiences, ways they carried forward their learnings and practices, and how they’ve come to recognize the gifts that came from the renewal time:

Sustaining the Impact

The Fruit of Renewal Leave

Here you can explore all videos related to the Clergy Renewal Program.

Podcast Interviews

Listen to a series of interviews with past grant recipients as they discuss their renewal grant experiences. 

Bishop Claude Alexander, Jr., Senior Pastor, The Park Church, Charlotte, NC
Reverend Matthew Manning, Pastor, St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Anderson, IN


Reverend Janet Wanner, (formerly) Pastor, East Side Church of God, Anderson, IN


Reverend Dr. Martin Wright, Senior Pastor, Ogilville Christian Church, Ogilville, IN
Reverend Tracey Henry, Pastor / Head of Staff, Clinton Presbyterian Church, Clinton, NJ
Reverend Mike Mather, (formerly) Senior Pastor, Broadway United Methodist Church, Indianapolis, IN
Reverend Dr. Philip K. James, Pastor, Mount Zion Baptist Church, Indianapolis, IN
Reverend Greg Lee, Lead Pastor, Suncrest Christian Church, St. John, IN

I am impressed at the way in which people thrived during this three month renewal period. The congregation seems not only happy, but spiritually fulfilled, and open to new growth and new possibilities for ministry.

Rev. Dr. Guy CollinsSt. Thomas Episcopal Church, Hanover, New Hampshire

One of the most interesting things that came about as a result of my time reflecting, refocusing, and renewing was the impact it had on my preaching. I came back a much stronger preacher than I was before I went on the renewal of the important impacts that this program had on the congregation was the coming together that resulted from it.

Rev. Frank AlexanderOasis of Hope Baptist Church, Indianapolis, Indiana

I was able to reserve time for reflection, meditation, and sleep...I was able to focus on my commitment to God and the ministry which I dedicated my life to. I was able to reflect on my allegiance, loyalty, and faithfulness to God. My faith was nurtured and my spirit was renewed and motivated...I could hear God’s voice saying, ‘Be still and know that I am truly God.’

Rev. Dr. Lavonia K. McIntyreSt. John Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, Monticello, Georgia

Current Grantees

Forms & Documents

Budget Revision Request

Final Reporting Process Instructions

Pastor - Final Report Narrative Questions

Congregational Representative - Final Report Narrative Questions

Final Financial Report Worksheet

Press Kit


Press Release Templates

Indiana CRP Press Release Template
National CRP Press Release Template

CRP News & Press Releases

Clergy Renewal Program
December 6, 2023

Christian Theological Seminary Announces Over 200 Congregations Awarded Lilly Endowment 2023 Clergy Renewal Program Grants

Christian Theological Seminary, an ecumenical seminary based in Indianapolis, today announces 229 congregations from across the United States have been…
Clergy Renewal Program
October 14, 2022

Christian Theological Seminary Announces 197 Congregations Awarded Lilly Endowment 2022 Clergy Renewal Program Grants

Note to media: Please check the list of recipients in the body of this release to see if a congregation(s)…
Clergy Renewal ProgramPress
October 5, 2021

190 Congregations Awarded Lilly Endowment 2021 Clergy Renewal Program Grants

En Español Register here for an informational webinar about the 2022 Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Programs from 1 - 2:30…
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